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Special Perks for Contributions

These one-of-a-kind perks are on display at Farmer House,d including one painting by Karen Holtzclaw used in the film and numerous vintage items donated by Martha & Myron Ritrosky (such as 1938-39 Life magazines and Depression glassware).


Email Farmer House Museum

**Shipping costs added to perks

NOTE:  Special Perk of 2 vintage wedding dresses has been CLAIMED!  The dresses were donated by Martha Ritrosky -- c. 1907 dress worn by her grandmother (great-grandmother of writer/producer Madelyn Ritrosky & great-great-grandmother of actor Jared Winslow); 1927 wedding ensemble (1 dress layer, hip sash, veil, photo) worn by her mother (Madelyn's grandmother, Jared's great-grandmother).

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